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Celtic Deep

Celtic Deep is run by a team of conservationists and free divers. They’re passionate about enabling people to experience some of Wales’ most amazing marine life, hosting trips to swim with puffins, seals and other coastal species. They offer introduction to snorkelling sessions, taking total beginners to experience life below the waves in safe and sheltered bays around Pembrokeshire.

For the more adventurous and experienced, their signature trip is to swim with blue sharks. When you are thirty miles out to sea in the Celtic Deep, in an area where dolphins, whales and bluefin tuna abound, dropping into the seemingly bottomless sea to be surrounded by majestic sharks is a truly unique experience.


Caldey Island

A religious retreat of over 1500 years sits on a small island just off the coast of Pembrokeshire. Home to only 40 permanent residents and a small number of Cistercian Monks who occupy the Abbey, visitors are welcome on the island during the Spring and Summer via boats from the mainland. Boat shuttles are every 20-30 minutes with return tickets available from the Caldey Island kiosk at Tenby harbour. A 20 minute boat ride leaves Tenby's Castle beach at low tide or from the harbour at high tide.

Whilst on the island you will come across historic churches, a catholic monastery and even a chocolate factory. The island also boasts breathtaking clifftop walks with fabulous mainland views. Alongside rare breed sheep and cattle there are a range of diverse bird and plant life. Over the years there have been projects carried out aimed at preserving and enhancing the Island as a wildlife conservation area. With the help of experts they have made many improvements so that wildlife will continue to thrive there. 


Skomer & Ramsey Islands

Skomer & Ramsey - Based in St Davids, the smallest city in the UK and well worth a day trip in its own right, the thousand islands expedition offers a fantastic way to see the marine wildlife in Pembrokeshire up close. Operating in the RSPB nature reserves of Skomer and Ramsey islands, and in some of the most dramatic scenery on offer, you have the choice of either a 500hp jet boat trip or a more sedate fishing boat trip; either way this trip will showcase the scenery and wildlife of the area.

Additionally, the Dale Princess operates from Martins Haven and runs trips to Skomer Island, allowing you to land and see the incredible flora and bird life – half the worlds population of Manx Shearwater live on the island, together with the largest puffin colony in Southern UK. It is also possible to stay overnight on the island, and although this is limited to 16 people it offers a truly unique experience.


Stack Rocks - Elegug Stacks

Also known as Elegug Stacks, welsh for guillemot, this pair of detached limestone pillars stand proud from the sea and are home to flocks of birds throughout the seasons. In the Springtime the tops of of the stacks and ledges below are filled with guillemots and razorbills. fulmar and kittiwake can also be found nesting on the cliffs as well as herring and blackbacked gulls. During the Winter the inland plateau brings thrushes, crows and lapwings where the rich grassland is also home to a range of reptiles and small mammals.

The road passes through the Castlemartin firing range and is occasionally closed to the public so prior planning is advised to avoid disappointment.

Contact directly on 01646 662367.


Tenby Rescue Boat Trips

Take a short trip to see the history of Tenby's rescue boats, slipway and stations throughout time whilst taking in the beautiful views of Tenby's walled town. This gentle and fun trip, suitable for all ages, runs daily from 9:45. April through to September and lasts approximately 30 minutes. The booking kiosk is sited in Castle Square just above Tenby harbour.



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